HOLY COMMUNION: The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost, September 15th at 10 am. Please join us in the Parish Hall after the service for refreshments and fellowship.
Presider: The Rev. Randy Welsandi
Lay Reader: Kay Welsand'
Prayers of the People: Julia Zaborski
Acolyte: Tom Zaborski
Coffee Hour Hosts: Tom and Julia Zaborski
MORNING PRAYER: The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost, September 22nd at 10 am. Please join us in the Parish Hall after the service for refreshments and fellowship.
Presider: Tom Zaborski
Lay Reader: Rosemary Phillips
Prayers of the People: Julia Zaborski
Coffee Hour Host: Rosemary Phillips
MORNING PRAYER: The Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost, September 29th t 10 am. Please join us in the Parish Hall after the service for refreshments and fellowship.
Presider: Steve Neville
Lay Reader: Rosemary Phillips
Prayers of the People: Julia Zaborski
Coffee Hour Host: Steve Neville
HOLY COMMUNION: The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost, October 6th at 10 am. Please join us in the Parish Hall after the service for refreshments and fellowship. Vestry Meeting follows Coffee Hour.
Presider: The Rev. Randy Welsandi
Lay Reader: Kay Welsand'
Prayers of the People: Julia Zaborski
Acolyte: Tom Zaborski
Coffee Hour Hosts: Bob andSally Hughes