Sunday Service
10 AM
All are welcome!

529 Main St. S. Sauk Centre

 The Rev. Randy Welsand

Parish Secretary

Rosemary Phillips

IN MEMORIAM:  Parishioner Ann Beard passed away Feburary 2nd.   "May Ann's soul and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in  peace."

HOLY COMMUNION:  The Sixth Sunday after  the Epiphany, February 16th at 10 am.   Please join us in the Parish Hall after the service for refreshments and fellowship. 

    Presider:   The Rev. Randy Welsandi
    Lay Reader:  Kay Welsand'
    Prayers of the People:   Gail Lenander
    Coffee Hour Host:  Gail Lenander

MORNING PRAYER:  The Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany, February 23rd at 10 am.   Please join us in the Parish Hall after the service for refreshments and fellowship.

    Presider:   Steve Neville
    Lay Reader and Prayers of the People:   Gail Lenander
    Coffee Hour Host:   Steve Neville

HOLY COMMUNION:  The Last  Sunday after  the Epiphany, March 2nd at 10 am.   Please join us in the Parish Hall after the service for refreshments and fellowship. 

    Presider:   The Rev. Randy Welsandi
    Lay Reader:  Kay Welsand'
    Prayers of the People:   Gail Lenander
    Coffee Hour Host:  Kay Welsand

ASH WEDNESDAY:  Wednesday, March 5th.  Tp date, no service has been planned.

MORNING PRAYER:  The First Sunday in Lent, Sunday, March 9th at 10 am.   Please join us in the Parish Hall after the service for refreshments and fellowship.
    Presider:   Steve Neville
    Lay Reader and Prayers of the People:   Gail Lenander
    Coffee Hour Host:   Steve Neville